Selected Publications
Selected Publications
Barber, V.P.*, Goss, M.B., Franco Deloya, L.J., Lemar, L.M., Li, Y., Helstrom, E., Canagaratna, M., Keutsch, F., Kroll, J.H., Indoor Air Quality Implications of Germicidal 222 nm Light. Under Review. (preprint)
Barber, V.P.*, Kroll, J.H., Chemistry of functionalized reactive organic intermediates in the Earth’s atmosphere: impact, challenges, and progress. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2021. 125(48) 10264 (*Corresponding author)
Barber, V.P.,* Green, W., Kroll, J.H. Screening for New Pathways in Atmospheric Oxidation Chemistry with Automated Mechanism Generation. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2021. 125(31) 6772 (*Corresponding author)
Barber, V.P., Esposito, V.J., Trabelsi, T., †McHenry, T., Francisco, J., Lester, M.I., Experimental and computational investigation of vinoxy and 1-methylvinoxy radicals from the unimolecular decay of alkyl-substituted Criegee intermediates. Chem. Phys. Lett., 2020. 751, 137478 (†Undergraduate Coauthor)
Barber, V.P., Hansen, A.S., Klippenstein, S.J., Lester, M.I., Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Doubly Substituted Methyl-Ethyl Criegee Intermediate: Infrared Action Spectroscopy and Unimolecular Decay to OH Radical Products. J. Chem Phys., 2020. 152(9), 094301
Barber, V.P., Pandit, S., Esposito, V.J., McCoy, A.B., Lester, M.I., IR Action Spectroscopy of the Syn-CH3CHOO Criegee Intermediate in the Fundamental CH Stretch Region: Tunneling to OH Products. J. Phys. Chem. A. 2019. 123(13), 2559
Barber, V.P., Pandit, S., Green, A.M., Trongsiriwat, N., Walsh, P.J., Klippenstein, S.J., Lester, M.I., Four Carbon Criegee Intermediate from Isoprene Ozonolysis: Methyl Vinyl Ketone Oxide Synthesis, Infrared Spectrum, and OH Production. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018. 140(34), 10866